俐蒙教学法让您的孩子在学习上独立自主,同时建立性格发展奠定良好的基础。为孩子的品格建设奠定良好的基础将导致卓越的领导能力。 俐蒙教学法提供范围广泛的专门设计的学习的环境与工具,以最大限度地提高孩子的学习能力,并培养他们的性格发展。 俐蒙教学法已将国际象棋和语音学习纳入教学大纲。智能程序从内到外培养孩子,首先教育他们的内核,形成性格发展的基础,然后逐步建立他们的知识,我们称之为外核,为他们感兴趣的领域打下坚实的基础。 俐蒙教学法采用蒙台梭利教学法,观察并创造适合孩子的学习环境,用心将孔子思想融入课堂,尊重、关爱、诚实、正直、做人的基础。我们对您的孩子成长非常关注以及投入,我们希望孩子在生活学习中取得成功。
Practical Life Skill |
Guiding children towards personal and social responsibility. |
Sensory Learning | Stimulating children's learning through the senses. |
Maths | Developing children's literacy through adaptive learning |
Cultural & Social Studies | Providing experiences that enhance a child's global view of the world. |
Peace & Social Skills | Helping children to build friendships and interact peacefully in the world. |
Art | Developing children's appreciation for art through open-ended instruction. |
Foreign Language | Growing children's communication skills in non-native languages. |
Music & Science | Science enhancing children's learning through musical activities and experiences.Garden Growing a child's appreciation for science, nature and the world all around. |
Great Life Skill | Guiding children towards personal and social responsibility. |
Smart Motessori Pte Ltd,
Main: 6525 9607
HP: 8457 0988
email: director@smartmontessori.com.sg